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3 Articles

Do not set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MiniNT when trying to enable ReFS

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Lots of articles online indicates adding a AllowRefsFormatOverNonmirrorVolume DWORD key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MiniNT in reigstry.

This is wrong. The MiniNT section is to indicate the system is a WinRE or WinPE system, thus certain USBccid devices’ driver won’t load. Including SmartCard reader, Windows Hello (mostly implemented as an internal USB camera).


其实这是错误的利用了WinRE启用了ReFS作为系统盘的功能。在正常的系统中出现MiniNT项会导致系统认为这是WinRE系统,从而不加载基于USB的驱动,包括智能卡读卡器和Windows Hello 驱动(很多 Windows Hello 摄像头是通过USB连接的)。

Windows Server 存储池替换物理硬盘

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现有两个存储池,分别叫StoragePool1和StoragePool2;两个存储池中各有两块磁盘(Disk1-1, Disk1-2, Disk2-1, Disk2-2),各组成Mirror分布的虚拟磁盘,分别叫VirtualDisk1和VirtualDisk2。

需要将 Disk2-2 退役,在StoragePool1 中加入 Disk1-3,将 Disk1-2 加入StoragePool2。
