
Solve Xposed module list become empty on Android 6.0 Marshmallow


Recently I found module list in Xposed become empty after I upgrade my Nexus5 to 6.0.1 (M4B30Z, Dec 2016). And all the modules are not activating. So I open logcat and see the following:

Rovo89 said on a xda post that this file should be created if any module is activated. But somehow it didn’t do so on my Nexus5. So I create one myself and set correct permission (0644) and uid (you can run the Xposed Installer app and check the uid through ps |grep xposed). Then I reboot and check logcat again:

Looks like it’s still not working.

Then I realise that Android started to set SELinux to enforce from Lollipop (5.0) so this should be the problem. (We can use dmesg|grep audit to check if the problem really related to SELinux. ) I compared a random file under /data/data to the file we just created:

So all we need to do is to change this conf/modules.list to u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 as well

restorecon is a applet shipped with toybox, we can also use chcon to manually set SELinux context.
