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cloudflare-partner-cli: using CNAME on cloudflare


This is a CLI program that let you set CNAME to use Cloudflare using the partner program.

Both Python2.x and Python3.x is supported. No extra library is needed.

To use Chinese menu, set environment variable LANG to use UTF-8 (for example, zh_CN.UTF-8).


  1. Apply for partner program at https://www.cloudflare.com/partners/.
  2. Clone this repository or download script.
  3. Run python ./cloudflare-partner-cli.py.
  4. Enter your host_key. You can get it here.
  5. Enter the account you use to manage domains (your personal account, not partner login account). User key is stored in .cfhost.
  6. Follow the instructions on screen.


  • Value of resolve_to has to be DNS record (for example: google.com) instead of IP address.

Solve Xposed module list become empty on Android 6.0 Marshmallow

0   9106 轉為簡體


Recently I found module list in Xposed become empty after I upgrade my Nexus5 to 6.0.1 (M4B30Z, Dec 2016). And all the modules are not activating. So I open logcat and see the following:

Rovo89 said on a xda post that this file should be created if any module is activated. But somehow it didn’t do so on my Nexus5. So I create one myself and set correct permission (0644) and uid (you can run the Xposed Installer app and check the uid through ps |grep xposed). Then I reboot and check logcat again:

Looks like it’s still not working.

Then I realise that Android started to set SELinux to enforce from Lollipop (5.0) so this should be the problem. (We can use dmesg|grep audit to check if the problem really related to SELinux. ) I compared a random file under /data/data to the file we just created:

So all we need to do is to change this conf/modules.list to u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 as well

restorecon is a applet shipped with toybox, we can also use chcon to manually set SELinux context.