lua-resty-openssl: 基于FFI的Lua OpenSSL库 on 2019 年 9 月 26 日 Lua 0 8256 转为繁体 FFI-based OpenSSL binding for OpenResty 45 forks. 137 stars. 5 open issues. Recent commits: fix: failed, if compile pkey.lua to LuaJIT bytecode (#193), GitHub fix(pkey) fix compose of ecx key not effectiveFix #187, Wangchong Zhou tests(csr) csr:set_version only allows 1, Wangchong Zhou tests(autogen) allow override fixtures, Wangchong Zhou chore(tests) lock lua-kong-nginx-module version, Wangchong Zhou 支持OpenSSL 1.1.x, 1.0.x和1.0.2系列